

Automation by machine vision

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3D Vision with Robotics


Passionate about Machine Vision

Pose Automation develops powerful measurement and inspection systems for the industrial environment.

Machine Vision

Key technology for automated production

Compared to human beings who are able to assess complex and non-structured environment much better where quality is concerned, the machine vision is, however, superior in respect of speed, accuracy and reproducibility when assessing structured scenarios.

A machine vision system in a production line, for instance, is able to check hundreds or even thousands of parts per second. Additionally, a correct resolution and optics will be able to recognise details that are already invisible to the human eye.

Increasing Performance

Our systems reduce cycle times, setup times and throughput times and enable you to increase the value of your products.

Quality Assurance

Quality is ensured and always traceable by using our measuring systems. We are actively working to optimise customer processes.

Saving Costs

Our economical thinking and acting give the customer a fast return on investment.

Certified Partnerships in Machine Vision

We develop high quality machine vision solutions, reliably and competently in certified and longstanding partnerships.